Hello everyone, if you'd like to purchase and sell either white or colored moissanite jewels. I would like for you to contact me for my assistance to do so, because I can make it possible for you to do so.
Let me inform you that in order for you to sell either my white or colored moissanite jewels. You will have to buy my moissanite jewels in a set quantity to do so. I will NOT be selling one moissanite jewel at a time to the general public in this opportunity.
When it comes to my colored moissanite jewels, I have pink, green, blue, yellow, brown, and purple available, with more colors to come in the future.
When you inquire about my high quality moissanite jewels, make sure you know what color, carat weight and shape of moissanite jewels you'd like to purchase and sell on your own.
Should you be interested in purchasing and selling your own moissanite jewels. I use PAYPAL to accept all of my online jewelry payments for me.
Contact me James The Jeweler by email at: jamesthejeweler@yahoo.com or by phone at 404-447-5459.